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Used Nordic Cobblestones

3,695.00 kr.

In stock - ready to ship

Delivery throughout Denmark with fixed bridge connections


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Beautiful Used Nordic Cobblestones

  • Fast processing & delivery.
  • Always free shipping.

Copenhagen Mix from the Old Streets. These cobblestones are of exceptional quality, featuring aged and worn Nordic cobblestones.

We now offer multiple bigbag sizes for used cobblestones, allowing you to order the exact quantity needed for your project.

Available bigbag sizes:

  • 1000 kg bigbag = approx. 80 stones / approx. 2.6 m²
  • 1100 kg bigbag = approx. 88 stones / approx. 2.9 m²
  • 1200 kg bigbag = approx. 96 stones / approx. 3.1 m²
  • 1300 kg bigbag = approx. 104 stones / approx. 3.4 m²
  • 1400 kg bigbag = approx. 112 stones / approx. 3.6 m²
  • 1500 kg bigbag = approx. 120 stones / approx. 3.9 m²
  • 1600 kg bigbag = approx. 128 stones / approx. 4.2 m²
  • 1700 kg bigbag = approx. 136 stones / approx. 4.4 m²

Authentic Nordic Quality

Used Nordic cobblestones have served as paving in Danish cities for many years. We offer a special Nordic granite quality that has been naturally worn over time. These used cobblestones are thoroughly cleaned of dirt and debris.

The cobblestones come in varying sizes, as seen in old city areas and streets, providing a charming and authentic look.

Delivery of Used Nordic Cobblestones

We deliver these beautiful cobblestones across Denmark, free of charge to areas with fixed bridge connections.
Meeting our customers’ needs is a priority, which is why you can choose how you want your cobblestones unloaded. By default, they are delivered to the sidewalk/curbside, but often it can be a great advantage to have them placed closer to where they’ll be used. Choose one of the options below to make your delivery as convenient as possible.

For all delivery methods, you are welcome to add a comment for the driver. Your message goes directly to them. You can also request a call at the time of delivery, so you don’t need to be home on the day.

Standard Delivery

Our standard delivery involves unloading near the truck, such as on the sidewalk or in a driveway. This method is included in the price and is an excellent solution for many of our customers.

Mobile Truck Delivery

Delivery with a mobile truck is the perfect choice if you want your product placed right where it will be used, or if you live in an area inaccessible to large trucks. The mobile truck is 2.3 meters wide and requires very little space to turn, making it an optimal solution for many. This method saves you heavy lifting.
The truck can drive on most surfaces, including slight inclines, but due to its weight, we do not recommend driving over grass that should remain pristine.

Crane Delivery

Finally, you can choose to have your cobblestones delivered by crane. This option is ideal if you need the product lifted over a hedge or fence. It’s a great way to save your back from heavy lifting and get the cobblestones as close as possible to their intended location.

Our crane can lift a bigbag 6-7 meters away from the truck.

Order now and transform your space with these authentic, timeless cobblestones!

Hvor stor er en brosten?
Den måler ca. 21 x 14 x 14 cm. Det gamle brugte brosten kan dog godt variere lidt i størrelsen, hvilket er med til at give dem det rigtige look.
Hvor mange brosten pr. m2?
Der skal bruges 31 brosten for at dække 1 m²
Hvor mange m2 dækker et ton brosten?
Et ton brosten (ca. 80 stk.) dækker ca. 2,6 m²
Hvad vejer en brosten?
En brosten, som måler 21 x 14 x 14 cm vejer 12-13 kg.