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Bedding Mortar 5.1% - 750 liters

2,095.00 kr.

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Bedding Mortar 5.1% - 750 Liters (7.5 hl) - 35/65/650

This wet mortar is approved and suitable for almost any project. Here, you get a high-quality bedding mortar you can rely on for your building projects. Bedding mortar consists of washed sand (0-4 mm) mixed with 5.1% lime, making it highly versatile. This bedding mortar is incredibly strong and is especially well-suited for tasks such as building brick walls.

This bigbag contains 750 liters, suitable for multiple projects and larger repairs. For example, with this size bigbag, you have enough mortar to lay over 1,000 standard bricks. You can add cement to your order, ensuring everything arrives at once. It’s convenient and saves you the hassle of borrowing a trailer or getting dusty cement in your car’s trunk.

Remember, we offer delivery with both forklift and crane to make the job as easy as possible.

See more about our delivery methods here

Bedding Mortar in Bigbags

We deliver bedding mortar in bigbags throughout Denmark. Like all our products, you can choose from several delivery methods, allowing you to save considerable effort. We don’t just deliver to the curbside; we can drive directly onto your property or lift the bag over a fence or hedge if feasible. We’re committed to finding the perfect delivery solution for you.

You can select your preferred delivery method on the product page after entering your postal code.

We supply bedding mortar 5.1% in bigbags in the following sizes:

How Much Mortar Do I Need?

Estimating the required amount can be challenging, as several factors come into play. However, as a general guide:

Approximately 700 liters / 7 hl of mortar are needed for 1000 bricks.

How to Mix Mortar

When mixing mortar, thorough blending is essential. It’s highly recommended to borrow or rent a cement mixer for larger batches. For smaller quantities, a large builder’s bucket can work, but it requires consistent stirring.

Starting with a bit of water in the mixer is usually helpful. Then, add bedding mortar, cement (in the appropriate amount), and water, allowing it to mix thoroughly. You can gradually add water until you reach a workable consistency.

The amount of cement you need will vary depending on your project, but a typical ratio is 1:8 (1 part cement to 8 parts mortar), resulting in a mixture suitable for most purposes.

Special Offers on Mortar

Because we sell mortar in large quantities (up to 1000 kg), you benefit from a very low price per kilogram. The price includes delivery, and combined with our excellent volume discount, which you can read about here, you get an incredibly competitive price. Our volume discount applies across all our products, allowing you to secure the best deal by consolidating your purchases with us.

Hvad for forskellen på bakkemørtel og strandmørtel?
Bakkemørtel fremstilles af grovere sand en strandmørtel. Derfor er bakkemørtel velegnet som bindemiddel mellem f.eks. mursten, og strandmørtel egner sig bedst til pudseopgaver, da det giver en pænere overflade.
Hvor meget cement skal der blandes i mørtel?
En tommelfingerregel siger 1 del cement til 8 dele mørtel (1:8). Der kan dog være tilfælde hvor forholdet skal være anderledes.
Kan mørtel tåle frost?
Nej - mørtel kan ikke tåle frost.
Kan mørtel blive for gammelt?
Ja - Hvis mørtel står for længe kan det godt udtørre og blive for gammelt.
Hvad vejer mørtel?
100 liter mørtel vejer 170 kg.